Home Ownership?
Today was a good day. I didn’t think this day would come and for the last month was kind of stressful. About a month or so ago, I was sitting on the couch in good ol’ Nampa at my apartment, Read more…
Today was a good day. I didn’t think this day would come and for the last month was kind of stressful. About a month or so ago, I was sitting on the couch in good ol’ Nampa at my apartment, Read more…
Earlier today, at 5:52 pm, I felt something I had never before felt in my lifetime. Shortly before that, I was working from home (day #11 of working from home). I felt a small vibration and my neighbors had just Read more…
What an interesting time we live in? The coronavirus has been something else. Initially, Idaho was one of the last 2 states to have a documented case of Covid-19. Also the media did their fair share of creating panic and Read more…
I haven’t posted in a long while, but time for just a quick update. My Aunt Nani Beus was talking with Brother Simper from her branch. Him and I work together in the Boise, Idaho Temple. She told him that Read more…
Another great day was had today at the Boise, Idaho Temple. But this is a rather short post. I was in the veil worker waiting room, contemplating and preparing for my next assignment. Brother Porter then popped his head in Read more…
Today was a pretty special and unexpected day at the Boise, Idaho Temple. As an ordinance worker, our time is scheduled by the shift coordinator. At about 2:00 pm, I was getting ready to start my next assignment. However, the Read more…
Today, my wife celebrated another trip around the sun. She ended up taking the day off and went fishing this morning. She really enjoys that time to spend outdoors and trying to catch them feisty fish. If I haven’t said Read more…
Krissie and I decided to go to her Mom’s house in Nampa and watch General Conference for our church with her Mom, Grandma, and Sister. As President Nelson gave his opening remarks, he made a few comments. In recent years, Read more…
Today was a fun day. My wife’s sister, Amy, came to visit their Mom and Grandma. This weekend is also coming up of the General Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In April 2018, President Russell Read more…
I was on Facebook, and Facebook kept suggesting that I should be friends with Mat LaMunyon, who happens to be a coworker of mine in the South Jordan Office. I had no idea why, so I opened up his profile Read more…