Well, today is one of those days that I had always planned for.  I always thought that this day wouldn’t come either.  The day that I am speaking of is my graduation from college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting.  I am an online student at the University of Phoenix, but I am participating in graduation ceremonies with the Boise, Idaho campus.  I am on my way to the Grove Hotel, which is where my graduation is going to take place here is just a couple of hours.  However, I am not done with school quite yet.  I am planning on starting my Masters of Science in Accounting in July.  That program will take about a year to complete. 

This is a big step in my life, that I am truly grateful for.  I am especially grateful for my dear sweet wife, for her patience and help along the way.  I don’t think I would have been able to do as well as I have, without her helping me along the way.  She was always there to make sure that I got my homework done before I did extra curricular activities.   I also know that she will continue to help me along the way as I pursue the rest of my schooling and career dreams.


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