Today is the last day of my undergraduate accounting class. I am finishing up with ACC397: Advanced Topics in Accounting Research. This is basically a review class. This consists of financial statements, tax, audit, and even managerial accounting. I just finished up my final exam. Normally, I don’t blog about my school or about other classes, but this time it has just hit me that I am almost finished with my undergraduate studies. Today, I turn in my final exam, and also my last individual assignment.
I guess I have one more class left, which is what my point is. This last class is called Religion 133: World Religions. This class will last 5 weeks, and then I am done. I am not sure how this class is going to go. However, I have been told that this class talks mostly about the eastern religions. So, maybe I will learn something new. That is something that I am hoping for. After this class is done, then I go onto classes that are 6 weeks long.