Last Undergraduate Class?

Today is the last day of my undergraduate accounting class.  I am finishing up with ACC397: Advanced Topics in Accounting Research.  This is basically a review class.  This consists of financial statements, tax, audit, and even managerial accounting.  I just finished up my final exam.  Normally, I don’t blog about Read more…


Well, today is one of those days that I had always planned for.  I always thought that this day wouldn’t come either.  The day that I am speaking of is my graduation from college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting.  I am an online student at the University of Phoenix, but I am participating in graduation ceremonies with the Boise, Idaho campus.  I am on my way to the Grove Hotel, which is where my graduation is going to take place here is just a couple of hours.  However, I am not done with school quite yet.  I am planning on starting my Masters of Science in Accounting in July.  That program will take about a year to complete. 

Food Storage

Some time ago, we were at Costco and we saw “The Shelf Reliance Food Storage Rotation” systems.  I think the first time that we had seen them was at a Wal-Mart in Logan, Utah.  I loved them then, and everytime I saw one, I fell more and more in love with the thing.

“Food storage management has never been easier thanks to Shelf Reliance Food Rotation Systems.™ Available in four heights, three widths, and two depths, our food storage shelves were designed to easily store and rotate a large amount of cans. Every system features patented front-loading technology and fits easily into most storage spaces” (